I have a terrible alert for pro-life Minnesotans. 

All session long we’ve been fighting (successfully, so far!) against S.F. 70/H.F.91, a bill that goes through state code and removes, line by line, current restrictions on abortion.

One of the lines of code S.F.70/H.F.91 removes is the requirement for an abortionist to provide medical assistance to a baby who is BORN ALIVE during a botched abortion!

They’ll be legally allowed to let a living, breathing, crying child die on a stone cold surgery table and some call it “progress.”

Because of MNRTL supporter’s pressure, they’ve stopped those bills so far. 

But now, in the final few days of session, Senate Democrats have put the language of S.F. 70/H.F. 91 into the “must pass” Health and Human Services omnibus bill that is coming to the Senate floor for a vote at any moment

That’s why you MUST call or email these Senators, starting at the top, and tell them to vote no on the HHS Omnibus bill before the Minnesota Senate or face severe consequences at election time!

👇  👇  👇  👇  👇  👇

Senator John Hoffman
 [email protected]
Call: 651-296-4154

Senator Rob Kupec
[email protected]
Call: 218-979-4926

Senator Judy Seeberger
[email protected]
Call: 651-297-8060

Senator Grant Hauschild 
Email: [email protected]
Call: 651-296-1789

Senator Aric Putnam
Email: [email protected]
Call: 651-296-6455

Legislators in St Paul wrap these heinous acts in verbiage like “This is healthcare!” and “All people deserve the right to make decisions with their doctors!”

Yet none of them stop long enough to acknowledge that the result of the so-called “healthcare” is the brutal killing of another human being made in the image of God.

When you’re done calling and emailing, please sign this special petition to the members of the Minnesota legislature telling them that you oppose these brutal practices in Minnesota!

Minnesota Right to Life is working closely with our pro-life allies in the MN Legislature to stop these provisions, but we can’t do it without YOUR help!

So please continue to stand with MNRTL and push forward with everything you have and trust that God will bless our efforts, whatever the outcome.  

Once you’ve signed, I hope you’ll chip in and help fund our pro-life outreach programs to help us put the pressure on the legislature to stop these horrible bills!

Already the work we’ve done with pro-lifers across the state has had such an impact and I know that if we keep it up, we’ll see victories for the unborn. 

Your continued support will help us run those programs and inform other great Minnesotans of what is happening in our capitol right now. 

Whatever you do, call, email and send your petition NOW!

In closing, we draw our strength from passages like Psalm 27:14, which says “Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD!” 

And so we continue to press on, wait for the Lord and fight in His name to protect these little babies and we’re proud to have to standing with us in this righteous cause. 

For the Babies, 

Amanda Fuller
Minnesota Right to Life